Summer Fun

Want to do a little math this summer but need a break from the textbooks?Try filling a pitcher with a one-cup measuring cup. Count how many cups it takes.When you’re done write a sentence telling how many cups it took to fill you pitcher.You’ve just written the “first sentence” of a typical word problem in a textbook!Too easy?!? Fill the same pitcher with tablespoons instead of cups. Count those up.Take pictures and send them to me at I’m accumulating pics of folks enjoying math!

Want to do a little math this summer but need a break from the textbooks?

Try filling a pitcher with a one-cup measuring cup. Count how many cups it takes.

When you’re done write a sentence telling how many cups it took to fill you pitcher.

You’ve just written the “first sentence” of a typical word problem in a textbook!

Too easy?!? Fill the same pitcher with tablespoons instead of cups. Count those up.

Take pictures and send them to me at I’m accumulating pics of

folks enjoying math!